Free - booking advised

Tenx9 are delighted to invite you to participate or submit a story for their next Tenx9 storytelling event on Tuesday 5 March, 7.30pm at Broadway on the theme: “Outsiders”.

Tenx9 is a free storytelling event where nine people have ten minutes to tell a true story, from their own life, based on a theme. Come and tell a story (email for submissions: or simply be a listener for others. Story submissions by Wednesday 28 February.

Founded in Belfast in 2011 by Paul Doran and Pádraig ÓTuama (more details here, Tenx9 is a night for ordinary people to tell true stories of their life - not fiction, not fable. Here you’ll find guidelines and tips for telling your story (

We’re looking for real stories told in less than 10 minutes, stories with a start, middle and end (although not in that order necessarily). Stories that have the listeners wondering ‘What happened next?’ ‘Why did she do that?’ ‘Who is that character?’ or ‘That character sounds just like my Auntie Myrtle.’

Whilst Ireland is the place of saints and scholars, Nottingham is the city of Literature, we have every faith that we will love your stories - come and join us!


Ticketing for this event is managed by Tenx9 - please direct any enquiries to Tenx9 using the contact information above.

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