Price: £75 full / £60 members / £65 concessions / £50 under 25s
- Directed by: Andrew Graves
- Duration: 90min
- Certificate: UC
- Type: Create and Learn
Cinema has long been a tool of apologists, political extremists and social commentators. So, while film is essentially an escapist art form, its accessibility has meant that it can be utilised to shape opinion, challenge societal norms and offer alternative discourse or narratives. From the war propaganda films of the silent years and beyond, we will examine how Hollywood filmmakers specifically have inserted their own belief systems and ideology into movies to create controversial or more subtle means of critiquing or supporting the status quo. The course will take deep dives into Queer representation, racist depictions, feminist viewpoints, pro and anti-capitalist texts versus more progressive ‘woke’ narratives. Films discussed will include work as diverse as Wings, Casablanca, JFK, Top Gun: Maverick, Robocop, Starship Troopers, Dracula’s Daughter, High Noon, Shock Corridor, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Eyes Wide Shut, Get Out and many, many more.
Tutor: Andrew Graves
Duration: 10 weeks
When: Tuesday evenings from Tuesday 6 May, 7pm–8.30pm
Price: £75 full / £60 members / £65 concessions / £50 under 25s