Mayhem Film Festival launches skeleton edition for 2020

Mayhem Film Festival returns in October with a new “skeleton” edition.

Taking place between 15 – 18 October, Skeleton Mayhem will be a condensed festival experience that will retain its dedication to curating the best in horror, sci-fi and cult cinema; a dedication that has driven Mayhem Film Festival’s growth in popularity over the past 15 years, culminating in its highest-ever admissions in 2019.

Steven Sheil and Chris Cooke, directors of Mayhem Film Festival said: We’re really pleased to bring Mayhem back to Broadway Cinema for this year’s edition. The disruption of the pandemic has obviously meant changes in the way we do things, but we’re looking forward to welcoming back our audience to this year’s festival - temporarily slimmed-down from our normal programme - with the plan to be fully fleshed-out again next year.”

Stewart Terry, Director of Marketing and Communications at Broadway Cinema added: “Mayhem is a key part of Broadway’s programme and it would have been really disappointing if we couldn’t have run it in some form this year. We’ve been working closely with the Mayhem team to get to a point where we can present it in a way that is safe for audiences but doesn’t compromise on the experience and quality Mayhemians have come to expect.”


Unfortunately, due to Skeleton Mayhem being a condensed edition, and screen capacity being limited, there will be no passes available for this year's festival and each screening will require an individual cinema ticket. The Mayhem team have recently attended the Cannes' Virtual Market so they can start programming this year's festival ASAP and the first titles will be available soon.

Additionally, Mayhem’s short film submission date has been extended in order to give filmmakers more time to submit their short films to the ever popular shorts programme. Festival director Chris Cooke is keen for filmmakers to submit their shorts: still beating at the dark heart of the festival is the shorts programme that started the festival originally - we want your shorts now!"


Filmmakers can submit their short film via Film Freeway

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