Paul Smith screen reopens...

Paul Smith Screen 4 now open for a soft relaunch...

After nearly two months of running at limited capacity, during which 268 of our outgoing seats have been donated to the Nottingham Arts Theatre and a number have been purchased by customers looking to support our fundraising campaign, we now have our full complement of seats ready and open for business!

Thank you for your patience whilst we completed our screen renovations. The new Screen 1 and 2 have been open for the past few weeks and your feedback had been really positive with many fantastic comments praising the increased comfort levels. We hope this feedback continues with Screen 4.

The new Paul Smith seats have been upholstered in the “Big Stripe” design seen across a number of the legendary Nottingham-born designer’s modern furniture pieces and as he has been a keen supporter of Broadway over the years, it's important for us to retain the Paul Smith aesthetic. We think you'll enjoy the new look and feel of the space and the screening programme in the comfort you've come to expect from us. We'll continue to make improvements over the coming weeks. 

We now offer one of the best audio-visual and comfort experiences around with our upgraded 4K projection in Screens 1 and 2 and improved 7.1 surround sound and our renovation work is fantastic for film lovers across Nottingham and beyond so thank you again for your continued support of Broadway!

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