Price: £15 / £12 memb+conc / £10 under 25

Charles Dickens is one of the most celebrated and revered writers of all time, and his stories have been told in every corner of the world. To mark the international release of the brand new Dickens adaptation of ‘David Copperfield’, we will be spending the day exploring the amazing characters, settings, themes and historical contexts of his stories, while also finding out all about the man himself. The day will conclude with a screening of THE PERSONAL HISTORY OF DAVID COPPERFIELD at 2.45pm.
Tutor: Adam Pepper

Terms and conditions

This is a one-day course taking place on Saturday 25 January from 10.30AM. When you arrive please report to the Box Office, where you will be given instructions on how to find the room by one of our members of staff.

You are not required to bring anything with you except a pen and paper if you wish to take notes.

During the course, there will be two comfort breaks at 11.30AM and 2.15PM (approx.), when complimentary tea and coffee will be served; and a lunch break at 12.50pm for 40 mins (approx.). Please note, you are welcome to bring in your own lunch on the day if you prefer not to order from the Cafébar menu. If you are bringing your own lunch in, please note that you will only be able to eat this in the cinema screen and not on the outside terrace or in the Cafébar/Mezzanine Bar. There are general and recycling bins located outside of the cinema screen for you to dispose your rubbish into.



Please note that we cannot refund courses within 10 working days of the start date, or after the course has started.

Should you require any further help with your booking please contact a member of the box office staff on 0115 952 6611 and they will be glad to help. If you require any more detail about the content or delivery of the course please email Caroline Hennigan at


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